The Mariapoli Mariënkroon Foundation (ANBI status) is partly dependent on donations. Would you like to support us as well? For your convenience, you can press the red donate button for a one-time donation.
You can transfer a gift or an automatic transfer to the Mariapoli Mariënkroon Foundation to NL21 Rabo 0136 5422 12.
We thank you in advance.
In the reception desk you will find the folder Donations and Inheritances with more information on how you can donate with tax benefits, including for periodic donations for a period of at least five years.
You can also easily donate through the website.
Foundation Mariapoli Mariënkroon
Abdijlaan 8
5253 VP Nieuwkuijk
IBAN number: NL21 RABO 0136 5422 12
(International BIC/SWIFT code: RABONL2U)
RSIN/fiscal number: 811024866 (required for periodic donations)
Chamber of Commerce number: 17144662
VAT number: NL8110.24.866.B.01